Designing With Intent

March 2, 2023
2 min read

Design is all about bringing people together. From combining shared experiences to problem-solving, our goal as designers should be how to develop systematic designs to bridge people together. A well-designed product or space allows people to gain a sense of community and connections with others who are interacting with the same design. Additionally, design can be used to solve common problems and improve quality of life, which leads to a shared purpose and belonging among people who use or benefit from design.

Design is all about bringing people together. From combining shared experiences to problem-solving, our goal as designers should be how to develop systematic designs to bridge people together. A well-designed product or space allows people to gain a sense of community and connections with others who are interacting with the same design. Additionally, design can be used to solve common problems and improve quality of life, which leads to a shared purpose and belonging among people who use or benefit from design.

Don Norman's 'Design of Everyday Things' has been enormously inspirational during my career here at the Institute of Design and broadened my view of human-centered design. By putting users at the center of the design process, we are able to prioritize needs and experiences, which can result in products and services becoming more effective, efficient, and satisfying to use.

"Design is not just about aesthetics or functionality. It's about creating experiences that bring people together, build relationships, and foster community."

David Kelley, founder of IDEO

Human-centered design is about evoking emotions and fostering social connections between people. In one example, Norman explains how the design of a public park can encourage people to gather together. There is an emphasis on combining emotional connections with environments and people within the design. While there is an importance of aesthetics, it should contribute to the factor of human-centered and not deter us from our ultimate goal of designing for the user.

Designing with the user in mind is important in the design process. By placing people at the center of the design process, human-centered design can help to create solutions that meet real-world needs and improve people's lives.



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