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Empowering LatinX Futures in Tech

Developing holistic strategies for emerging LatinX Tech Leaders 

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LatinX Digital Leaders Now


Jan 2024 - Now


Lead Product Designer


Dennis Siegert

Aabha Kale

Kate Nam

Design Tools

Figma (Main Tool)

Air Table

Adobe Suite


Project Overview


Currently in the tech industry LatinX employees in STEM are ready to take on the workforce and change the face of its entire operation

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Despite advanced education and strong tech skills, only 8% of Latinx employees are currently in the tech industry.

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Due to this, many technologists face a cycle of negative consequences stemming from feelings of otherness

This contributes to Latinx technologists feeling lost and grappling with imposter syndrome, which can leave them feeling stuck and uncertain about their next steps.

"You're gonna start questioning whether or not you belong there. You're probably gonna have imposter syndrome."

Latinx Leader in Tech

User Need

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What LatinX Leaders need is a network to help build motivation, develop the right skills, and a voice in the community.

With these three together, it can help LatinX tech employees to solidify their place as emerging tech leaders and have a voice in their workplace.

How Might We 

How might we build strategies to inspire and imbibe confidence and self-belief in LatinX technologists to become emerging tech leaders?

To envision new futures, we need to tackle the imposter syndrome.

Design Strategy

Our strategy is so that LatinX Digital Leaders Now (LDLN) can facilitate holistic support in three ways to develop confidence in the Tech Industry

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Design Solution


Design Solution 1

Creating spaces for young employees to build support systems

For Latinx Employees

Engagement Strategy

Developing Content and Community through LDLN Social Media

The first step is to develop a community through content across LDLN social media such as Instagram and LinkedIn that is geared towards emerging tech professionals.

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Facilitating events with different partners across Illinois to build connections

The next step is to organize events with partner organizations across Illinois to network and address real tech industry issues. LDLN will collaborate with local groups, venues, and industry experts to share valuable insights.

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Design Solution 2

Mapping the most critical skills and building personalized growth pathways

For Employees

Growth Strategy

Developing growth pathways to align skills with future roles and new opportunities.

After logging into the LDLN website, users can use a tool to map out growth pathways and identify the skills they need. This involves taking quizzes and answering questions to build a personalized toolkit.

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Building Soft-Skill validation through micro-learning and practice modules

Hard skills are key for technical expertise, but life skills are equally important. We aim to help LatinX technologists develop these life skills to boost their confidence, improve communication, and enhance their technical presence.

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“But they hire them based on potential.... and you have to think about, you know, when we talk about skillsets, there's hard skills and soft skills.”

- Tech Expert

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Design Solution 3

Developing mechanisms for co-creation of rituals to foster better cohesion

For Teams

Co-Creation Strategy

Understanding company culture, similarities, and differences in the workplace

To support co-creation, LDLN starts by surveying company profiles and workplace characteristics to find the right frameworks for each business. We then advise mid to large-sized companies to join our network and grow their connections.

Identifying rituals and frameworks to drive team cohesion and productivity

Next, LDLN can identify and hand off the right rituals and cultural practices to help teams become cohesive and drive productivity in a structured way.


Design Process

Project plan



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Quantitative Research

Secondary Research through Articles


Qualitative Research

27 Interviews with LatinX Tech Specialists

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Analysis and Synthesis

Developing Insights from research findings

Stakeholder Map

To achieve a lasting impact, we looked in creating strategies that involved all key stakeholders, who have the most impact and influence to drive behaviors and create change over time

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Qualitative Interviews

We conducted interviews with 27 LatinX tech professionals who offered profound insights into the challenges faced by LatinX individuals entering the tech industry.

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Tech Leaders

15+ years of experience in/with Tech

Managing divisions and strategic thinker

Growth and leadership skills

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Tech Experts

10+ years of experience in Tech

Specialization and focus in particular area

Building teams with emerging leaders

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Tech Influencers

10+ years of experience in Tech

Deep expertise and navigating career changes

Leading change narratives in diversity

Analysis and Synthesis of Data

Based on insights from primary and secondary research, we clustered findings to identify patterns and themes. From there, we crafted "How Might We" statements and engaged in insight smashing to generate early prototype ideas.

MDP Team A ID at Illinois Tech (1)
MDP Team A ID at Illinois Tech (3)

Main Insights

01. There is a lack of connections and access to inspirational representation

  • Latinx individuals entering the tech industry often struggle to navigate their careers because they have difficulty finding mentors and connections who truly understand their experiences.
  • "…a formal relationship that you know have in somebody who’s there to guide you, - whether it's your career or any other challenges you’re overcoming." - Tech Leader

02. There is a lack of awareness of skills

  • While hard and technical skills are crucial, soft skills are essential for advancing in the workplace and developing into a leader.
  • “But they hire them based on potential.... and you have to think about, you know, when we talk about skillsets, there hard skills and soft skills.” - Tech Expert 

03. There is a feeling of otherness

  • Latinx individuals often experience a sense of otherness and a lack of relatability in the industry due to insufficient representation.
  • “I think there is a sense of otherness. Honestly, that comes with these conversations, where I am trying to make an effort.”- Tech Influencer

Prototype Development

Concept Development

Based on our identification of themes and objectives, we pinpointed the desired functionalities for the prototype and integrated specific design principles to enhance these functionalities.


Ideation and Concept Generation

After gaining a deeper understanding of the problem, we created rapid ideations to present concepts to the client.



From ideations, moving into developing low-fidelity wireframes to showcase to the client the prototype and be able to move into final prototyping

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Wireframe Details

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01. Monthly Skill Tree

  • Implementing a monthly skill tree that tracks skill progression through microlearning. These skills are tailored to individual goals for each month.

02. Matched Profiles for networking within LDLN Community

  • Having a networking system in the platform can help foster a sense of community as well as provide career opportunities and reduce a sense of otherness.

03. Different Microlearning lessons based on personal goals

  • These microlearning sessions are led by tech professionals from the LDLN community. They offer brief videos and background information about the instructors.

04. Showcasing upcoming networking events in the area

  • These events are designed to offer networking and learning opportunities for Latinx individuals entering the tech field. Additionally, there are featured events tailored to align with personal career goals.

Prototype Interactions

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Additional Prototypes

Posters for Networking Events

Creating posters for the client as communication tools to illustrate the content featured at the networking events.


Brochures for Networking Events

Creating brochures for the client to present their three-pronged strategy at networking events.



Lasting Impact

Empowering LatinX technologists as influential voices in the tech industry

With this three-pronged strategy, LDLN can empower Latinx technologists to confidently pursue leadership roles and establish themselves as influential voices in the tech industry.



With these solutions, it will activate a change for multiple stakeholders

We aim for LDLN to lead in culture facilitation and life skills development by uniting business teams around these frameworks. This approach will build motivated and confident employees, with our Illinois partners aiding in establishing key connections.


"I see myself in the project...This provides resources and opportunities for professional growth and cultivates a much-needed sense of belonging."

Founder of LatinX Digital Leaders Now


Rapid prototyping is crucial for delivering concepts to clients and learning through trial and error. During this project, we often got stuck in the synthesis phase, focusing too much on impactful ideas and diverging into multiple areas. We realized that prototyping itself is a form of synthesis. By learning about and understanding the users and the client, we can better identify and refine specific problem areas to focus on.

Future Steps

This project is currently under development for implementation by LDLN in Chicago, Illinois. Our team, including Sai Allena, has been appointed as advisors to advance the project and engage with the Chicago government. We’ve also successfully raised $100,000 in funds for LDLN to bring this work to life. Additionally, we are working with Anijo Mathew, dean of the Institute of Design, to develop an article that showcases our achievements and explores how nonprofits and businesses can collaborate on shared goals. Stay tuned to my website for updates on our progress!


Transformative leadership in Latino communities: A critical element in successful and sustainable educational change. IDRA. (2018, April 6).

Tamez-Robledo, N. (2023, October 23). How can colleges close the Latino Graduation Gap? - Edsurge News. EdSurge.

Barrotti, N. (n.d.). 4 ways to build trust with Hispanic and Latinx employees. Great Place To Work®.

Bermea, G. (2022, July 1). Beyond completion: Post-completion efforts at Hispanic-serving institutions. Excelencia in Education.

How to cultivate diversity in leadership. (2022, March 2).

Dembicki, M. (2022, July 20). Access, completion and now post-graduation success - community college daily. Community College Daily - American Association of Community Colleges.

Hoelting, A. J. (n.d.). Creating pathways for leadership among Latino community members. UMN Extension.

About cultural intelligence: Cultural intelligence center. Cultural Intelligence Center - We provide research-based, innovative solutions for assessing, predicting, and improving cultural intelligence (CQ). (2024, June 10).

Panel®, E. (2020, October 7). Council post: 11 practical ways to build a diverse network of professional connections. Forbes. 

Technologies, A. G. (2023, March 17). The diversity imperative: Why tech companies must prioritize inclusion to thrive. LinkedIn.

Other Projects

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Feel Free to Reach out!

Phone: +1 917-216-9032



@2024 Made By Dennis Siegert